Strengthening our work in the health community

Strengthening our work in the health community

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Strategic partnerships allow NSBS to secure ongoing sources of income and strengthen our work in the community to ensure longevity of our services. They align our brand in symbiotic relationships that are relevant, meaningful, and provide financial stability.


Our partnership with Te Puna Hauora has enabled NSBS to deliver financial mentoring services to clients of the Māori health provider. This expanded our brand presence and engagement further in the community, as well as offered financial literacy services and support to more people and whānau in need of financial mentoring.


Te Puna Hauora was established as a Māori Health provider to address health and wellbeing inequality issues within Māori, Pacific Islanders, immigrants, refugees and people with lower socio-economic status.


The organisation is committed to supporting people, children, young persons and their families, to make informed choices to regain their dignity (mana) and to provide medical and financial health by staff and partners, like NSBS, who care and commit their collective knowledge and skills to the kaupapa. The efforts of Te Puna Hauora services are underpinned in Nga Tika, Pono and Aroha.



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Learn more about our other service, BFC Plus

The Building Financial Capability Plus programme, also called Total Money Management (TMM), is a holistic, intensive, guardianship support for vulnerable people and whānau who struggle to manage day-to-day money matters and need someone committed to making their financial decisions and paying their bills when they lack the capacity to do so themselves.

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      The Building Financial Capability (BFC) programme helps people and whānau to improve their financial wealth and wellbeing and get control

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  • Partnerships

      Grace Foundation

      Grace Foundation offers safe shelter and holistic rehabilitation services to marginalised people including the homeless, single parents, children without parents,

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      Te Puna Hauora

      Our successful strategic partnership with Te Puna Hauora has allowed NSBS to deliver one-on-one BFC financial mentoring services to clients

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      NSBS is one of the only financial mentoring organisations in the country that caters especially to seniors and retirees to

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      Library Programme

      Our partnership with Auckland Council Libraries, in collaboration with ASB Bank, will see the rollout of a pioneering programme offering

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      Māori and Pasifika

      NSBS continues to improve the outcomes of Māori and Pacific Island clients and whānau and meet their holistic financial mentoring

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      NSBS is committed to helping women attain financial independence and security for themselves and their families.Through our BFC programme and

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      NSBS is committed to fostering financial capability among school-leavers to provide money skills and knowledge for employment preparedness. NSBS financial

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