Te Puna Hauora

The Māori health provider Te Puna Hauora understands how vital it is to address all of their client’s health needs. That’s why the organisation partnered with the major financial mentoring provider on the North Shore, NSBS, to provide financial mentoring as a health necessity.

The mentors at NSBS provide fundamental financial literacy services to ensure that you are money fit and healthy, and that your financial medical history is set up for a safe, happy and fulfilling future. Financial stress and anxiety have a serious detrimental impact on your physical health and your mental wellbeing. Financial health cannot be ignored.

Our successful strategic partnership with Te Puna Hauora has allowed NSBS to deliver one-on-one BFC financial mentoring services to clients of the North Shore Māori health provider, which serves the area of Greater Auckland from Devonport to Wellsford. 


The strategic partnership between Te Puna and NSBS has expanded the brand presence of NSBS in the community and supported more people and whānau in need of financial mentoring.


“The value of a partnership between Te Puna and NSBS enables a choice for our clients seeking money management support to access Kaupapa Māori or mainstream budgeting assistance”, said Lyvia Marsden, the former General Manager of Te Puna Hauora O Te Raki Paewhenua.


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our about services

At NSBS we understand that saving money and budgeting can be a challenge, that’s why we offer a variety of services to help you reach your financial goals without having to worry.

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      The Building Financial Capability (BFC) programme helps people and whānau to improve their financial wealth and wellbeing and get control

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      Grace Foundation

      Grace Foundation offers safe shelter and holistic rehabilitation services to marginalised people including the homeless, single parents, children without parents,

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      Te Puna Hauora

      Our successful strategic partnership with Te Puna Hauora has allowed NSBS to deliver one-on-one BFC financial mentoring services to clients

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      NSBS is one of the only financial mentoring organisations in the country that caters especially to seniors and retirees to

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      Library Programme

      Our partnership with Auckland Council Libraries, in collaboration with ASB Bank, will see the rollout of a pioneering programme offering

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      Māori and Pasifika

      NSBS continues to improve the outcomes of Māori and Pacific Island clients and whānau and meet their holistic financial mentoring

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      NSBS is committed to helping women attain financial independence and security for themselves and their families.Through our BFC programme and

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      NSBS is committed to fostering financial capability among school-leavers to provide money skills and knowledge for employment preparedness. NSBS financial

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