When you increase your financial intelligence with a financial mentor, you increase your financial health and wellbeing, and the number of financial possibilities available to you.
The partnership between the Grace Foundation and NSBS will open possibilities and doors that previously were closed.
Clients of the Grace Foundation, including single parents, former prisoners, young people without parents or family, and homeless individuals, will all benefit from the vital services that NSBS offers.
For many of these vulnerable people, who have been shunned, marginalised and isolated from society, planning or budgeting for their financial future was never an option. Now it is.
NSBS mentors will provide long-term financial literacy knowledge and confidence, and in the short-term, a total money management service (also called BFC-Plus) specifically designed to assist vulnerable people in their journey to financial independence.
The TMM / BFC-Plus programme is a holistic, intensive support for vulnerable people and whānau who struggle to manage day-to-day money matters and need someone committed to making their financial decisions and paying their bills. The service helps to micromanage people’s finances to teach good financial habits and gradually transition accountability as skill and confidence grows.
NSBS BFC-Plus mentors will work with individuals to provide employment motivation, bill payments, daily money management, and all-round financial knowledge and independence.