How to Stay Smarter Than the Scams

How to Stay Smarter Than the Scams

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Seniors are particularly prone to falling victim to financial scams, not because they’re not smart or careless or old, but because they may take their eye off their ball and be too willing to trust. We’re not asking you to be cynical, but in this economy where the cost of living is spiking along with interest rates, people are more desperate, and seniors may be distracted.


Follow these dos and don’ts:


  • Don’t click on any links that you’re not certain are legitimate.
  • Do assume that a link sent to you via text or private message from a number you do not recognise is a scam.
  • Don’t take calls from people you don’t know.
  • Don’t send money offshore to someone you’ve never met.
  • Do be aware of sophisticated scams that can, through voice recordings and new technology, mimic someone’s voice that you may be familiar with.
  • Do be wary of online romance scams and fraudsters using artificial intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT, to build trust and lure you in to steal your funds.
  • Don’t fall for fraudulent listings on shopping sites when you’re buying and selling online.



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